Sunday, March 20, 2011

Rest Days

Most training programs build rest days into their schedule, at least all the training programs I've used do. My typical physical rest day usually involves zero running, maybe some yoga, stretching, or weight lifting, but I take the day off from running.

Yesterday I took an emotional rest day, and it was one of my favorites EVER! I decided to run up the canyon, something I haven't done in ages. I remembered how much I love running up there. Then I took myself to Borders for some hot chocolate (great recovery drink, right?) and ended up buying two books. Later I took myself Runner's Corner to (finally) get my foam roller, and stopped by Jamba Juice on my way home. Once home, I instantly changed into my PJs, plopped myself on the couch with a giant blanket, and read my little heart out with the BYU game on mute (I know, it's sacrilege).

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