First, I worked on my taxes and realized, I had more deductions coming my way! Getting more money always makes me happy.
Second, I biked, ran, and swam yesterday! Mini-tri! And trust me, it was really, REALLY mini. I am getting better (slowly) at swimming. My instructor told me I look really relaxed. I even feel relaxed--probably because I'm the world's slowest swimmer and were I going any slower, I would actually just be asleep, floating along. Still, one step closer to a triathlon!
Third, I ran! Always an achievement, given my recent history of injury and illness. Today, Imma head out for another quick run and some more cross training. I missed my Monday morning spin class, so I think I will hit a spin class this evening. I hope Janae still teaches Wednesday nights!
Finally, I went to my awards banquet last night and got an award--and money to go along with it! Yay! That'll pay for my last two credits to graduate! Hooray! I was awarded the Outstanding Graduate Student of the Year in my department. I guess the faculty voted on it and everything. I am stoked about my plaque and even more stoked that my name goes on the permanent plaque in my building! Picture proof: (ignore my goofy, toothless grin)