I think Tom supports my patriotic choice in wake-up music.
I digress. Yesterday I was feeling the need for speed, so I returned to a speed workout I haven't tried in several months. Let's keep it real, I haven't done any sort of legit speed workout in several months. And I've noticed that I'm running slower than I used to. So, what better training tool to increase speed than a speed workout?
I hit the treadmill for this one. I started out at a pretty slow pace and then increased my speed by .1 mph every half-mile. It HURT. In the past, I used to bust out a speed workout twice a week. And love it. I'd get this super awesome runner's high right around the 4- or 5-mile mark. Did not happen yesterday. Probably made some people nervous because I looked like I was going to die. But that's OK, because like I said, I haven't worked that hard in months. Now my resolve is to reincorporate a speed workout into my weekly schedule. I'll probably keep it at one, since when I was doing two a week, I was getting injured a lot (maybe there's a connection there?).
also love this. girl. you never cease to make me laugh. you WORK that 80's girl. WORK that! Also...you are NOT slow