I made my way toward the museum. My original plan was to take my sweaty, nasty, rainy self into the actual museum and spend some quality cultural time before making the return trip. Instead (and all the museum patrons are heaving a collective sigh of relief), I spent about 45 minutes jogging around the Museum Park. I had no idea it would be so cool! There were trails (paved and unpaved) galore with outdoor exhibitions, sculptures, and even photos. The landscaping was gorgeous, and not overdone; the natural growth and undergrowth was still allowed in and around the trails. I loved it. Here are some photos!
This was the very first photo I saw on the trail. It was one of a series. I didn't understand the theme; but there were a lot of really cool outdoor scenes, and one that kind of creeped me out...I think it was semi-post-apocalyptic or something....
This was the first unpaved trail I came to! Followed it through the woods and found some really awesome outdoor exhibitions!
A stream!
The Whisper Bench; there were two of them across the path from each other. That little twirly guy had something you could talk into and the person on the other bench could hear what you were saying/reply. It was pretty rad. I can't remember what this was called. Darn. But it's cool lookin', yeah?
This is one of the more famous outdoor sculptures at the North Carolina Museum of Art. It's pictured a lot at least...hahaha!
This one was my favorite, I think. It was called "Cloud Chamber for the Trees and Sky." It has a door, so I assume you can go in, but it was locked. It was still really cool to look at. The construction of it was pretty rad.
Yours truly. Loving my Saturday morning run/adventure!
And the best part: amazing breakfast afterward. Steve (you are the best!!) sent me a bakery recommendation, so I had some amazing bread that was screaming to be made into French toast. I tried making some peach syrup and mostly ended up with warm peaches (still yummy!), and of course, some dark chocolate chips.
The Whisper Bench; there were two of them across the path from each other. That little twirly guy had something you could talk into and the person on the other bench could hear what you were saying/reply. It was pretty rad. I can't remember what this was called. Darn. But it's cool lookin', yeah?
This is one of the more famous outdoor sculptures at the North Carolina Museum of Art. It's pictured a lot at least...hahaha!
This one was my favorite, I think. It was called "Cloud Chamber for the Trees and Sky." It has a door, so I assume you can go in, but it was locked. It was still really cool to look at. The construction of it was pretty rad.
Yours truly. Loving my Saturday morning run/adventure!
And the best part: amazing breakfast afterward. Steve (you are the best!!) sent me a bakery recommendation, so I had some amazing bread that was screaming to be made into French toast. I tried making some peach syrup and mostly ended up with warm peaches (still yummy!), and of course, some dark chocolate chips.
I ended up being gone for almost 2 hours. I have no idea how far I actually ran, but it was definitely more than I had planned on. :)